Garage Dimensions

Choosing The Perfect Garage Dimensions 

Free One, Two and Three car dimension charts.

2_Car_Garage_Dimensions_Chart_Full_3600x10350.jpgOver 40 years ago I built a beautiful 2 car garage for a mechanical engineer in South Minneapolis. After the 22x22 2 car detached garage was completed we did a walk through and I was expecting the usual pat on the back and a job well done.

As expected he did have great things to say about Western Garage Builders and would recommend us to family and friends. However, he did say something that has stuck with me all these years.

"Now that I'm done I know exactly what I wanted"

Think about that statement. How many times have we purchased something and then returned it afterwords? You can't do that with with an investment like a garage so don't be that guy! Do your homework, listen to your favorite garage builder (that would be Western Construction, Inc. of course) and then choose the garage dimension that's perfect for you. 

I've included both PDF and JPEG formats. These are large file's so depending on what type of device your viewing them on there might be some distortion to the scale of the jpeg or picture format. The pdf file format will be fine.

Click to View and Download Our Free Garage Dimensions Lay outs:

My favorite draftsman Scott Andrews and I designed these beautiful garage dimension charts for you to view, download and print absolutely free. If your in need any drafting or archichetual services and you live in the Twin Cities you can contact Scott Andrews direct at


Western Construction, Inc.
4301 Highway 7 STE 115
Minneapolis, MN 55416-5807

Minneapolis 952-920-8888