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Xeripave Pervious Pavers Video | Cool New Home Improvement Product


Xeripave Pervious Pavers For Home Improvement Projects


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This is a Xeripave pervious paver. 

What you see here is a 12 x 12 x 2 inch thick paver.  It’s made from natural aggregate that’s dried and processed with a proprietary polymer, molded, and then de-molded to give you these paver-sized squares.  It comes in 12 x 12 or 16 x 16. Perfect for most home improvements that use concrete or asphalt.

Xeripave Pervious Paver Flow Through Rate

The major thing about Xeripave pervious paver's is a flow through rate of over one gallon per second per square foot.  As you can see right now, there’s about that amount of water coming through the tube and it flows directly through.  So it solves a lot of the problems that we’ve got right now with storm water run-off and just a fantastic product for a whole variety of applications. 

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